
Forest bathing tour tip #4 Lohnbachfälle Lower Austria

Picture of Richard Staudner
Richard Staudner

The Optimizer

Do you know this moment? You move slowly and carefully, with full attention for your surroundings, in an unshakable calm and completely in the moment. Fully aware of yourself and the few meters around you. 

We, or let's say I, rarely have such strong moments in our lives. They are the moments in which nothing else counts but the present, the being. 

These are the moments when neither work, our obligations or worries find place in our thoughts. Because they are moments when we are fully connected, have a strong connection, to ourselves and to nature. 

On a forest bathing day at the Lohnbach Falls near Arbesbach/Petrobruck in the northwestern Waldviertel, I was able to experience such a moment. 

Lohnbachfälle sounds very unspectacular, and they are also neither loud nor particularly powerful in their gradient or the like. But they are gripping, captivating and they drew me under their spell. 

Coming from Petrobruck and entering this beautiful forest, you first come across a small almost inconspicuous stream course that meanders slowly and leisurely through nature.

The stream immediately encouraged me to take off my shoes and step into it and feel it. It was a lovely sunny summer day and its about 12 degrees was an enjoyable cool down.

Immediately the energy of the Lohnbach Falls animated me to follow their course and explore them. The hiking trail runs right next to the course of the stream and together they wind through a magnificent deciduous forest protected from the hot sun. 

Huge granite boulders and tall trees give the so quiet stream a natural power. The atmosphere is fascinating and captivating. I am with my attention and consciousness directly in the moment and only in this place. Free, mentally completely detached from everyday life. 

It is a moment when worry or unpleasant thoughts no longer have any effect. And past and future have no more relevance. Such a state can only be achieved by practicing meditation. For which, in retrospect, I am still more grateful to the stream. 

The water hike through the falls is partly sporty and only in one place a bit dangerous, but you can always switch to the fixed hiking trail. Or you can enjoy the water play during the whole hike from it. 

On the way back I recommend a refreshment at Gasthof Seidl, the cook and landlady are not only very pleasant conversationalists, the food is also excellent. 

Here more info about the inn:

If my tips could help you, I look forward to a feedback for example by mail and also about your forest bathing tips. 

All love 



Richard Staudner

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