ribose richard staudner

Ribose - The unknown power supplement

Picture of Richard Staudner
Richard Staudner

The Optimizer

Among us people there are specimens that do a lot of good, but few experience it. A funny comparison, but this also applies to some dietary supplements.

D-ribose is one of them. Have you ever heard of it? If not, then maybe it makes sense for you to read on. Because I think D-Ribose is too unknown and underestimated for its ability. 

What is D-Ribose? A little biochemistry...

D-ribose is a form of sugar, a 5-fold sugar or more precisely, a monosaccharide with five carbon atoms (pentose sugar). 

Ribose is a component of nucleotides. DNA and RNA are formed from it. Ribose is also an important substance in cell metabolism. 

We can form it ourselves from glucose, but it is a very inefficient process. 

It's all about Energy! A little more biochemistry...

Ribose is used in our body cells for energy production. It is important to understand here, according to the motto "it's all about Energy", that this is an elementary process for the maintenance of all our body functions and our performance. 

The so-called ATP production uses ribose (and also creatine) for this important process of providing and delivering energy in our body. This process takes place in the mitochondria (cell organelles), which we find in millions and millions everywhere in our body. This is the energetic basis for all cellular processes. You can see ATP as the currency of our body! Every process, every movement you make must be "paid" with ATP. ATP stands for the abbreviation of Adenosine Tri-Phosphate. 

We constantly consume and produce ATP, which is the only way to ensure the energy supply of our cells. In a fit and healthy body, the cells constantly replenish their ATP supply. 

The daily ATP production is approximately equal to our own body weight! This is an insanely large amount and thus illustrates even more the importance of this process. 

Of course, this process can also be disrupted or run inefficiently. 

Intense periods of life, chronic stress, overtraining, illness and injury, obesity, poor lifestyle, and even aging can worsen production and utilization. 

As a result, our mitochondria can often no longer optimally supply important organs such as the heart and muscles. This leads to an often noticeable energy deficit. One can also call this mitochondrial low performance. 

This can become noticeable through listlessness, fatigue, cramps, muscle pain, or stiffness. Even cardiac arrhythmias can be the consequence of ATP deficiency. 

I would like to emphasize here once again that the production of ATP is essential for our energy level in everyday life and sports! Every movement and activity depends on it. Ribose can play a major role here, among other things! 

Ribose production vs ribose supplementation 

As already mentioned, we can produce ribose ourselves from glucose. Unfortunately, this process is very very slow and therefore terribly inefficient. 

The heart muscle and skeletal muscles in particular are often unable to produce sufficient energy themselves during intense training and stress, for example. 

This literally feels like "pulling the plug". 

Many think here of a psychological burn-out, but this is often not the case.

It is rather a burn out on a cellular level! In any case, it is a warning signal to step back or to give the body time to heal. 

In laboratory tests, ribose supplementation was able to increase the new synthesis of ATP by a factor of three to five. The recycling of degradation products even up to eight times. 

Ribose and athletic performance 

Which sports benefit most from taking Ribose? 

Sports with short and intense loads benefit mainly. 

This includes strength and martial arts of all kinds, but also sprinting and jumping disciplines. Of course, also many team sports such as soccer or American soccer. Here, too, the loads are short, intense and often repeated (example sprint). 

In general, Ribose can contribute to faster recovery and increased resilience in most sports. 

Ribose is taken before or after exercise, but even during exercise Ribose can still have a performance-enhancing effect. As mentioned in fast strength sports, but also for example in endurance sports. 

Intake and dosage

Ribose has hardly any taste of its own and also no significant sweetening power. Since it is usually available in an easily soluble powder form, it can also be stirred into sports drinks, for example. This makes it easy to drink before, during and after exercise. However, it can also be consumed at another time of the day if required. 

Ribose shows an effect from an intake amount of about 3g per day. Higher dosages with about 1 g per 10 kg body weight, are a reasonable amount in sports. Up to 20 g / day have proven to be particularly helpful in fast-paced competitive sports. This intake amount should be divided into at least two portions. 

On rest days, a smaller amount can be taken. A guideline here can again provide the relation to body weight. About 0.5g per 10 kg body weight is recommended. 

A more precise recommendation for the intake amount is unfortunately not in science. In studies, mostly between 16 and 36 g / day were used. Start low and increase to an effective dose is advisable. 

Since Ribose is helpful not only during athletic exertion, but also during high everyday stress, it is recommended to take it here as well.

This applies to chronic intense stress and permanent severe fatigue symptoms. 

Here it is recommended to start with 0.5g / 10kg body weight / day and to increase if necessary and well tolerated. 

In medical treatment, a divided intake of 60g / day is not uncommon. This is used, for example, in fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and other mitochondrial disease patterns. Even in heart disease Ribose can help. 

It is particularly important here to coordinate with the attending physician so as not to jeopardize the current therapy or the taking of medications.  

Side effects

The known side effects such as the influence on blood sugar levels or the increase in uric acid are not relevant in healthy people and the doses recommended above for sports. Too much ribose is excreted in the urine or is converted in the liver to glucose and then to glycogen.

Influence on the gastrointestinal tract, such as diarrhea, are known only with too high doses. 

In general, however, there are too few long-term studies that have looked at side effects. 

Are there supplements that work synergistically with ribose? 

Creatine monohydrate, coenzyme Q10, L-carnitine and magnesium have been shown to work well in combination with ribose acting supplements. 

Each of these supplements individually or their combination can help improve cellular energy balance. 

Furthermore, ribose supports the effect of the amino acid L-glutamine. 

And where can I get it? 

In this country, D-ribose is not available in any dietary supplement store. But you can buy it in many pharmacies or conveniently order via the Internet. 

Richard Staudner
The Optimizer

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Richard Staudner

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