
Power Sport Shake

Picture of Richard Staudner
Richard Staudner

The Optimizer

If you have big plans, you need a strong supply. This shake has it all and is ideal for:

  • When you have little time to digest before your training or competition. For example, in the morning. Nobody likes to do sports on a full stomach. 
  • When you need a carbohydrate-rich supply before an exertion. For example, in ball or martial arts. In soccer, for example, the carbohydrate percentage should be over 60% of your intact. 
  • If you simply want to prepare something at home for the road. For example, for a later time (training in the evening) or even a mountain tour. 

The carbohydrates in this shake are over 60%. For a lot of power in sports. Shortly before and in the load brings you fat hardly anything as an energy source. The protein is there to support your muscles and also helps you build. In addition, the shake tastes even better with a chocolate Whey protein, for example. 

If it's too many calories for you, you can cut back on the avocado and nuts. 

Whether the consistency of the shake is more like a cream or a drinkable smoothie, you determine with more or less water. 

Here are foods you need: 

  • One banana (~ 100 kcal)
  • ~ 50g oatmeal (~ 180 kcal)
  • One tablespoon of honey (~ 80 kcal)
  • One scoop protein powder (~ 150 kcal)
  • ¼ avocado (~ 60 kcal) 
  • about 6-10 nuts (~ 100 kcal)
  • Water as required (-)

Total: ~ 600 kcal

Just throw everything in the blender, pour water as needed and off you go!

Of course, you can also swap the individual ingredients for others. So banana for apple or oats for buckwheat. 

For example, I also love it with frozen raspberries or strawberries in the summer. 

Honey is included as a healthy source of sugar, please also check out my blog post "Honey - sugar syrup or miracle cure" (also available as a podcast in the Headroom). There you will learn more about this natural power food. 

Enjoy it! 

Your Performance Coach 

Richard Staudner 


Richard Staudner

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