Performance Optimization
It's all about Energy
- Increase your drive and motivation
- Arm your cells against stress and intensive loads
- Goodbye fatigue and energy low
- Let's make your brain faster and more efficient
- Let's increase your concentration and focus
- Become more resilient against stress and high loads
- Goodbye word finding difficulties
Bulletproof Immune System
- Health is the basis of strong performance
- Create a defense system that can withstand all attacks
- Goodbye annoying colds and performance killers
Strong Body for strong Minds
- A strong body is the foundation for a strong mind
- Neuro-Typing Fitness: An exercise program to match your genetics and personality
- Goodbye listlessness in sports
Smart Recovery
- Growth and progress happen while you recover
- Boost your physical and mental performance through good recovery management
- Optimal sleep creates optimal performance
Coaching Objective:
- Achieve your individual optimal performance level
- Strengthens body and mind for the demands of everyday life
- Take concentration, focus, drive and satisfaction to a new level
Success strategy = success coaching
6 months - Premium package:
→ 3 months personal 1:1 coaching
→ further 3 months follow-up
→ Target-Work - The target, is the target, is the target!
→ Optimum principle - only an individual path brings YOU to success
→ Deep Learning Approach - Experience, understand, implement, benefit!
1 Year - PremiumPlus Package:
→ 3 months personal 1:1 coaching
→ further 9 months personal follow-up
→ Regular video calls to ensure progress.
→ Regular updates on new findings from science and practice.