RAF Camora,
"The entertainment business is a tough place and you always have to take care of your body and mind to perform at your best. Thanks to Richard's advice, my performance is at a top level!"
Heinz Lederer,
Crises & PR Manager
"For more than 10 years, Richard has been with me as a consultant and has taken my performance to a new level."
Teresa Jentsch, Schauspielerin
"Richard ist der Performance-Regisseur – er bringt das Beste in mir zum Vorschein und sorgt dafür, dass ich auf der Bühne glänze."
Dr. Siegfried Meryn, Facharzt
"In einer Welt voller Krisen ist effektives Stressmanagement wichtiger denn je. Richard Staudner bietet wertvolle Einblicke und praktische Ratschläge, um unsere Resilienz zu stärken und unser seelisches Wohlbefinden zu erhalten."
Dieter Moser,
Coca Cola CEO Russia
"Thanks to Richard, I've not only lost my long-standing physical pain, but I've also been able to take my physical and mental performance to a whole new level."
Philipp Pracser,
"Richard Staudner hat mich komplett transformiert – meine Gesundheit, meine Performance und meine gesamte Energie. Er hat mich fit gemacht für nachhaltige Spitzenleistungen in Alltag und Business."
Georg Fechter,
CEO Masters of Dirt
"Ein gutes Stressmanagement ist die Grundlage des Erfolgs. Richard erklärt die Auswirkungen von Stress verständlich und liefert realistische und praktikable Auswege."
Thomas Krutis,
"Durch die Zusammenarbeit mit Richard, konnte ich meine Leistung im Radsport auf das nächste Level schrauben!"
Aleksandar Rakic,
UFC Athlete
"Richard has been my companion and advisor for well over 10 years. With his help, I was able to fight my way to the top in my sport!"
Dejan Ljubicic,
Professional soccer
"Richard has an incredible knowledge of nutrition and recovery and has taken me to a new level."
Robert Ljubicic,
Professional soccer
"In soccer, optimizing all performance areas is very important. Richard is a pioneer here!"
Tristan Takats,
ÖSV Skicross
"Leistungssport ist wie ein komplexes Puzzle. Stück für Stück formt man sich zu einem besseren Athleten. Richard ist der Meister, der mir dabei geholfen hat, entscheidende Teile an die richtige Stelle zu setzen."
Nico Langmann,
Wheelchair tennis professional
"In my Olympic preparation, I was able to take my recovery and supply to a new level with Richard!"
Stefanie Pichler,
State champion climbing
"Working with Richard, I was able to reach a whole new level of performance and, in addition to the state championship title, compete for world championship gold in climbing."
Fadi Merza,
World champion in thaiboxing
"I have often fought for the world title in my sport. Richard has always been an important pillar when it comes to my performance."
Eva Voraberger,
Boxing world champion
"With Richard, I had the best competition preparation of my athletic career and was able to deliver a strong fight!"